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Weekly Update 1 - w/c 9 September

We have really enjoyed welcoming all the children into Reception over the last couple of weeks.  We have been amazed at how confidently they have come into class.

Our focus over this time has been to get to know all the children and spend lots of time with them in our learning environment. We want to ensure that they all feel safe and happy whilst at school. We have introduced them to all the different areas in the classroom, both inside and outside, and have enjoyed painting, building, drawing, and playing alongside them. 

At the end of the week, we made the most of a lovely sunny Friday and took the children into our wonderful Woodland area where they had a chance to explore amongst the trees and woodland paths.  

The children have also been doing extremely well learning the routines of the classroom. They are enjoying going up to the dining area for their lunch and have shown great concentration when carrying their tray of food to their table! After lunch, they have an opportunity to go up to the top playground to run and climb and play. 

Next week, we will begin to introduce short lessons in phonics, maths and literacy as well as PE and PSHE. Information about this term’s curriculum can be found on the website under our class page.

Thank you to all the parents and carers over the last weeks for your support and patience as we settle the children. 

Just a reminder, please send through pictures of your family if you haven’t done so already. We will be using these in our home corner and in the children’s learning journals.