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Weekly Update

A warm welcome to you and your family to Roman Way Nursery. It has been wonderful getting to know all the children. They have settled into the nursery really well. We have been using a picture timetable to help support them learn the routines. 

This week we have been reading the book ‘Kindness makes us Strong’

We have been learning some ways we can be kind to each other. Each morning we sing the ‘welcome song’ and have been learning the names of our friends. 

Within the book, there are some children who share the path with the ducks. We have been learning the song ‘Five Little Ducks’. You can enjoy singing it at home too! Why not share this song at home with your child? Click on the link below.

Five Little Ducks 

We have also been exploring sharing our toys. This week, as we were exploring mark making, we practised asking a friend for a coloured crayon. We modelled the language to support the children to ask and wait their turn. 

The children have been exploring the outside and inside areas. They are gradually finding out where everything belongs so they can tidy it away when they have finished. We use the phrase, “Choose it. Use it. Put it away.” 

Thank you to parents that have labelled their child’s belongings. Please can you ensure that shoes, jumpers or cardigans, water bottles and packed lunch boxes are named.