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Children from Nursery to Year 4 are able to attend Roman Way Academy.  Please click on the admissions section which applies to your application.

The Diamond Learning Partnership Trust is the Admission Authority for all the schools in the Trust. This means that it is the Governing Body that sets and applies the Admissions Policy for every school. All policy decisions regarding the admission of children into Roman Way Academy are made by the Board of Trustees.

Mid-Year Applications (i.e. All applications for Nursery, Year 1,2,3 or 4 only)

To apply for a place after the start of term or in any other year group, please contact the school or Trust Admissions. Tel: 07708089454


When children start school (compulsory school age and deferral)

Your child can start in Reception class in the September following their 4th birthday. All infant, first and primary schools in Hertfordshire provide full time education for those offered a place in Reception class.

How to Apply for Admission to Reception (September of next Academic Year)

The application process for admissions into Reception is coordinated by Hertfordshire Local Authority (LA), which acts on behalf of the governing body to offer places at Roman Way Academy. Parents should apply online via the citizen’s portal or via no later than the national closing date on 15th January 2024.

If you do not have access to the internet, please contact Hertfordshire Admissions Team on: 0300 123 4043 for a paper copy.

Offer letters will be issued by the LA on the National Offer Date (16th April 2024 or first working day after).

When you get your offer

1 May 2024 is the deadline to accept or decline your offer.

If you don’t accept or decline, we may offer your place to someone else. We’ll then offer you a place at the nearest school that still has places.

We advise you to accept the place offered so your child definitely has a school in September. This doesn’t affect your chances of getting a school you prefer later, either through the continuing interest process, or through a school admission appeal.

Application forms and appeals